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CCA’s Charity Dinner in Famagusta

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On the 16th of February 2012, the Famagusta C.C.A charity dinner, with a goal to financially support the foundation of Saint Paul, took place with great success.

Ministry of Agriculture, Kyrenia’s Bishop, many deputies and over 1200 people honoured the dinner with their presence!  All dishes were prepared by the members of the Famagusta C.C.A. The products and sweets were offered from many companies and confectionaries with great willingness and support for this special cause.  The committee of the C.C.A. would like to express their warmest gratitude to all those who contributed in the organization of this event, which has become a yearly event in the calendar of the Cyprus Chefs Association.

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Innovative Butchery for Cyprus Restaurants & Culinary Students

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TWO seminars held on Thursday 1 March demonstrated new butchery techniques and meat quality to Cyprus food service sector. At the Nicosia University 85 students from five hospitality and culinary colleges (Intercollege, Casa College, American College, Kes College and Higher Hotel Institute of Cyprus) were shown innovative ways of butchering lamb and beef and the influence of raw material on the quality of the serving.  The seminar was jointly organized by Intercollege, Cyprus Chefs’ Association, the University of Nicosia and EBLEX, the English Meat Board.  Meanwhile, 22 professional cooks, members of Cyprus Chefs’ Association, witnessed new butchery techniques by Master Butcher Viv Harvey and beef and lamb cookery demonstrations by talented English Chef Jenny Jones at the Four Season Hotel in Limassol.

On the previous evening, a reception hosted by High Commissioner Matthew Kidd was held at the British Residence in honour of Cyprus Chefs’ Association.

JP Garnier, Head of Marketing for EBLEX said: “The objective of these demonstrations is to increase the variety of meat cuts and preparations for Cyprus Chefs and improve the end results on restaurants’ plates. We also aim to raise awareness regarding the quality of English meat.  These two events were very well received and we already envisage furthering our fruitful collaboration with Cyprus food service organizations”.

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Seminar for the Professionals in “Four Seasons Hotel”:
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Gastronomia Fair 2012 – Competitions Results

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The biyearly food and beverage exhibition ‘Gastronomia – Gastrognosia 2012’ was held at the Cyprus fair grounds between the 2th and 4th of March. The exhibition was organized by Giorgallis Fair Ltd, The Cyprus Chefs Association and the Cyprus pastry federation. Mrs. Praxoula Andoniadou, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, opened the exhibit to the public at the inaugural ceremony and what continued was in short, a highly successful exhibition. More than 60 companies and organizations participated and presented new products and services. Thousands of people visited the exhibit, of which 3 thousands were professionals in the culinary arts, hotel and tourism industries. Various demonstrations and displays that were organized included the Barmen associations’ presentation of an assortment of cocktails and recipe presentations from well known Cypriot chefs. The Cyprus Chefs Association once again assembled cooking competitions both in the savoury and sweet departments and both for professionals and college students. With the availability of the fully updated competition kitchens, excellent live competitions were carried out. The kitchens were a large contribution from the Angelo PO company which is represented by the Anco cooperation in Cyprus.
The results from the most popular competitions were as follows:
  • Chef of the Year was awarded Mr Stavros H Kyriacos (Four Seasons Hotel) – Sponsored by: Xiouros & Demetriou hotel equipment and Amaxulus
  • Confectioner of the Year was awarded to Mr. Michael Mavromoustakis from the Le Meridien Resort Hotel – Sponsored by: “Bake Art“.
  • Young Chef of the Year was awarded to Mr. George Aristidou from the Four Seasons Hotel – Sponsored by: IHRC.
  • For the “grand prix”, a competition in which 3 chefs and 1 sommelier were included to do the service, the winner was “FOUR SEASONS HOTEL” – Sponsored by: LONGMEN

The judges for these competitions included well known Cypriot chefs and world renowned chefs that flew in just for the exhibition: Mr. Tony Jackson from Scotland, Mr. Vella Josef from Malta, Mr. Camille Shumacher from Luxemburg, Mr. Spyros Ilia from Cyprus, Mr. Marios H Iosif from Cyprus, Mr. George Damianou from Cyprus, Mr. Andreas Vouzounis from Cyprus, Mr. Giannakis Agapiou from Cyprus, Mr. Nikos H Christoforou from Cyprus, Mr. Charis Philippou from Cyprus.

The Cyprus Chefs Association would like to thank all the sponsors, supporters and the exhibitioners that partook in this year’s Gastronomia – Gastrognosia and to all those that helped make it once again, a truly successful exhibition.


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Charity Event – CCA Olympic Culinary Team

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This article is only available in Greek Language.

Στο πλαίσιο των εκδηλώσεών της ολυμπιακής ομάδας μαγειρικής Κύπρου. που δείχνει για ακόμη φορά και τον ανθρώπινο της χαρακτήρα και σε συνεργασία με το Round Table 1, Λευκωσίας και το Hilton in the Community Foundation διοργάνωσαν την Παρασκευή, 16 Μαρτίου 2012 και ώρα 8.30μμ στο Hilton Cyprus,φιλανθρωπική εκδήλωση με θέμα “Βραδιά Υψηλής Γαστρονομίας”.

Με την υποστήριξη της Ολυμπιακής Ομάδας Αρχιμαγείρων Κύπρου, οι καλεσμένοι είχαν την ευκαιρία να γευτούν το ειδικό μενού υψηλής γαστρονομίας που  προετοίμασε η Ολυμπιακή Ομάδα και απόλαυσαν και τα επιλεγμένα κρασιά.

Τη ψυχαγωγία των παρευρισκομένων ανάλαβε ο γνωστός ραδιοφωνικός παραγωγός Τάσος Τρύφωνος σε ρόλο παρουσιαστή συνοδευόμενος από το γνωστό μοντέλο και τηλεοπτική παρουσιάστρια Χριστίνα Δημητρίου.

H εκδήλωση τελέστηκε υπό την αιγίδα του αξιότιμου Δημάρχου Λευκωσίας κ. Κωνσταντίνου Γιωρκάτζη. Στόχοι της βραδιάς, ήταν  η συλλογή οικονομικών πόρων για ενίσχυση του Συνδέσμου «Παιδιά με Ηπατικές Παθήσεις – Γιώργος Ψαράς – Roundtable» Το εισιτήριο εισόδου ήταν στα €40 ανά άτομο. πορεύθηκαν Γύρο στους 400 καλεσμένους.

Eιδικότερες ευχαριστίες στα μελή της ολυμπιακής ομάδας που για ακόμη μια φορά από τον ελεύθερο τους χρόνο, αμισθί, έδωσαν το παρόν τους και δίνουν πάντα τον καλύτερο τους εαυτό.  Επίσης στους μαθητές του ΑΞΙΚ για την μεγάλη βοήθεια που πρόσφεραν για να πραγματοποιηθεί αυτή η βραδιά .

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New Seminar Announcement: “Approved Judge of the WACS”

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The Cyprus Chefs Association would like to announce the conduct an approved WACS judge seminar, which will take place on the 24th and 25th of July at Grand Resort Hotel Limassol.

The trainer of the seminar will be Mr Gert Klötzke from Sweden. Mr Klötzke is the only Chef in the world who as the “team manager” of his country has managed to win the Culinary Olympics for two consecutive times, and again two consecutive times the World Culinary Cup.

Only full members of the Cyprus Chefs Association and whose fees to the association are settled have the wright to participate.

Members of other associations that are under WACS can also participate.

All applications to be sent to Mr. Petros Gavriel – Depute president at the email petros.gavriel@sodexo-cy.comat, tel. 00357 99213468, by Friday 13th July the latest.

Participation fee for the seminar is €250 and must be prepaid by all participants.

Due to limited number of seats all applications will be examined and approved by the Cyprus Chefs Association council. In case of rejection the applicant will be notified written and verbally by the association’s council.

Download the application HERE


Charity Lunch Organized by CCA

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Cyprus Chef Association organized with a huge success the 13th Charitable Sarakostiano lunch on 8th of April. The event took place at Bank of Cyprus Athletic Centre, where the operator of the catering facilities, Catercom offered the restaurant and kitchen services, free of charge. The happening was entirely dedicated to the “KYKAT” Some members of the Cyprus Chef Association took responsibility to find suppliers-sponsors, the restaurant that the event took place, as well as prepared with a lot of love the dishes that were enjoyed over two hundred guests. The event was under the auspices of the bishop of Tamasos

Many thanks goes to president of Nicosia Mr Nicholas H Christoforou and all those who support with ingredients, drinks and other services! Special thanks, goes to catercom that offered the restaurant and all their facilities


Completion of Three Seminars by CCA

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This article is only available in Greek Language

Ολοκληρώθηκαν τα τρία σεμινάρια που διοργάνωσε ο Συνδεσμος Αρχιμαγείρων Κυπρου με πολύ μεγάλη επυτιχία.

  • Το πρώτο σεμινάριο έγινε στις 29/2 με 1/3/2102 στο Ξενοδοχείο Four Seasons στην Λεμεσό με θέμα “Lamb & Beef butchery”. Το σεμινάριο έγινε απο τον “master butcher”της εταιρίας EBLEX κυριο Viv Harvey.
  • Το δεύτερο σεμινάριο έγινε στις εγκαταστάσεις του Κτήματος Μακένζυ στην Λάρνακα στις 27 και 28/3/2012 με θέμα “Mediterranean fish and seafood fine dining” απο τον γνωστό chef Λευτέρη Λαζάρου.
  • Το τρίτο σεμινάριο έγινε στο ξενοδοχείο Grecian Park στην Aγία Νάπα με θέμα “Advanced Buffet preparations” στις 25 και 26/4/2012. Εκπαιδευτής του σεμινάριου ο καταξιωμένος chef Μιχάλης Ντουνέτας

Και τα τρία σεμινάρια έχουν χαρακτηριστεί απο τους συμμετέχοντες ως εξαιρετικά και αυτό σίγουρα είναι κάτι που χαροποιεί όλους και δίνει δύναμη για νέα περεταίρω εξιδεικευμένα σεμινάρια με στόχο πάντοτε τον εμπλουτισμό των γνώσεων στο μέλλον του ΣΑΚ.

Θερμές ευχαριστίες και στους τρείς εκπαιδευτές για το πολύ ψηλό επίπεδο των σεμιναρίων.

Παράληψη θα ήταν να μην ευχαριστησουμε θερμά και τα δύο ξενοδοχεία“Grecian Park”και “Four Seasons”καθώς και το “Kτήμα Μακένζυ” για την φιλοξενία.

Photos from the Seminar mediterranean fish & shell fish fine dining with Chef Lefteris Lazarou!
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Photos from the Butchery Seminar:
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CyChefs Visited Alion Company

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Οn behalf of CyChefs George Kyprianou and his partners Mrs Nikoleta Ntorzi clinical Dietician and Mrs Vaso komninou marketing manager from ‘Politis” newspaper, visited the Alion company (vegetables and herbs)where they had the opportunity to make an excited tour.
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