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Sundried Tomato and Mozzarella Stuffed Chicken

4 medium chicken
breast fillets (Wellgoods)
12 sundried tomatoes
4 slices mozzarella cut into strips
8 basil leaves
2 bunches steamed or boiled spinach
Salt and pepper to taste


• Cut the chicken fillets in half but not right through. Open them up to form a butterfly shape and add salt and pepper to both sides. Add the sundried tomatoes, mozzarella and basil inside the open fillet and roll the fillet around the stuffing to form a firm sausage looking roll
• Roll this in aluminium foil quite firmly to hold it together
• Heat a little oil in a pan and add the rolled chicken. Sauté for a few minutes (sautéing will not cook the chicken fully through). Place the chicken in a baking dish and cook in the oven for an additional 10 minutes at 180°C (this will make sure your chicken cooks through)
• Chicken may also be served with risotto


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