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Sea Bass with Orange Crust and Mushroom Sauce

For sea bass:

  • 8 medium sea bass fillets
  • Zest from 2 oranges
  • 1 cup dry breadcrumb
  • 1 cup white wine
  • ½ cup olive oil
  • Salt and pepper

For mushroom sauce:

  • 1 chopped onion
  • 2 spoons chopped fennel
  • 2 cups sliced mushrooms
  • 3 spoons olive oil
  • ½ cup white wine
  • 2 sticks thyme
  • 1 cup vegetable stock
  • 2 cups fresh cream
  • Salt and pepper


  • Mixed in a bowl the breadcrumb with orange zest, salt and pepper.
  • Put the crust on top of fillets skin and arrange them in roosting pan.
  • Add the wine and olive oil, preheat the oven on 190oC and cook the fillets for 10 minutes.
  • To prepare the sauce: sauté for a minute the onion and fennel with olive oil in a sauce pan.
  • Add mushrooms and thyme and continue cooking for 2 more minutes.
  • Add the wine and leave the juices to reduce. Add the vegetable stock and leave to reduce by 1/3.  Slow down fire and add the fresh cream.   Correct the seasoning and wait until sauce is ready.
  • Pour the sauce in dishes and topped with sea bass fillets.

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