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Roasted chicken fillet stuffed with prawn mousse, whole grain mustard sauce

4 chicken fillets

2-3 large roasted red peppers

Rocket leaves

For stuffing:

4 large peeled prawns

1 egg white

½ coffee cup fresh cream

½ chilli pepper with out seeds

2 soup spoons mango purée

Freshly ground cardamom

2 tea spoons light soy sauce

4 rocket leaves

Salt, pepper

For the sauce:

½ chopped onion

1 small cube butter

1 coffee cup white wine

2 tea cups fresh cream

2 soup spoons whole grain mustard


Cut the fillets in the middle in butterfly shape.

In a food processor blend the ingredient for the stuffing except the rocket

Arrange the rocket on the fillets and divide the stuffing

Roll carefully the fillets, close them tightly with silver foil and roasted in hot oven at 200 degrees for 15 minuets

In same time sauté the chopped onion in the butter

Live the onions to be soft and add the wine

Slow down the fire and leave the liquids to Reduce by halve

Add the mustard and cream and simmer the sauce until is ready

Remove the foil from fillets, sliced them and put them on top of the roasted peppers and rocket leaves

Add the sauce and serve


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