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Risotto with asparagus and langoustine stock

 200 gr Arborio rice

120 ml olive oil

2 chopped spring onions

4 medium wild mushrooms chopped

green asparagus in slices

1 lt cold langoustine stock


100 gr parmesan cheese

30 iced fresh butter

For Langoustine Stock

100 ml olive oil

100 gr langoustine heads and shells

60 gr carrots, onions, celery all well chopped

1 small chopped fennel

2 garlic cloves

1 ripe tomato

15 ml brandy

20 ml white dry wine

½ glass water

Leaves from tarragon, basil, thyme, bay leaves, coriander and black pepperorns.

30 ml fresh cream

Some sliced fresh ginger

Method For the langoustine stock:

Heat a heavy-based pan, add half the olive oil and when smoking add the heads and shells and cook until golden brown. In another pan, heat the remainder of the oil and cook the vegetables until they are golden brown and starting to caramelize.

Then add to the shells and mix well, deglaze the pan with brandy, then add the white wine and boil until reduced by half, water herbs and spices and simmer the stock for 20 minutes.

To reduce the volume by 1/3 and cook out the raw flavors. Pass the stock through muslin into a clean pan and reduce over a high flame to concentrate the flavors.

In a pan of boiling water blanch the ginger. Add it in the shellfish stock with the cream. Bring to the boil and season. Reserve

Method For the risotto

Cut up asparagus in slices. Chop the spring onions. Heat the half of olive oil in a large saucepan over medium heat. Sauté the onion and mushrooms until soft not brown (2 to 3 minutes). Stir in rice uncooked. Cook for 1 minute, stirring rice into mushrooms and onions. Add the wine and bring to boil, stirring constantly. When most of wine is absorbed add first 1/2 cup of langoustine stock.

Cook rice at gentle boil, stirring frequently. Continue to add stock in 1/2 cup portions as it is absorbed until 5 cups of stock is used up. Add the asparagus after the first 10 minutes of adding the stock. Use last 1/2 cup of stock if rice still tastes too firm. When ready the risotto will have a creamy sauce.

Remove the pan from the heat. Stir in remaining tablespoon of butter, Parmesan cheese, and ground pepper. Serve at once drizzled with the rest of olive oil


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