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Red chicken curry with aubergine

2 large chicken fillets

4 soup spoons vegetable oil for cooking

4 soup spoons red curry paste

1 medium chopped onion

2 chopped spring onions

1 chopped garlic glove

1 tea spoon chopped ginger

1 large and peeled aubergine

½ fresh pineapple cut in medium cubes

2 tea cups coconut milk

2 limes leaves (fresh or dry)

Salt and pepper


Clean the fillets from fat and skin and cut it in cubes.

Head the oil in pan and fried the meat well.

Add the onions, garlic, ginger and aubergine.

Leave them to get some color and add the curry paste.

Add coconut milk, pineapple cubes, lime leaves correct seasoning and reduce fire until sauces get set.

Serve in soup dishes, accompanied with steam rice.


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