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Octopus salad and petit salad topped with flying fish eggs

1 large octopus about 11/2 kilos

½ tea cup white wine

2 dry bay leaves

10 black pepper corns

2 star anise

1 small clean and mashed ginger

½ onions

Freshly cut salad for four

4 soup spoons flying fish eggs

2 soup spoons balsamic vinegar

4 soup spoons olive oil

Salt and pepper


Put a casserole on medium fire, add the white vinegar, onions, bay leaves, pepper corns, star anise, ginger and octopus, cover with cold water and leave the octopus to cook for about one and a half hour or until tender.

Remove from casserole and hang the octopus from the head until get colt. Put it in the fridge until chilled.

Divide the tentacles from the head one by one and sliced them very thinly.

Toss the salad with olive oil, balsamic vinegar salt and pepper well.

Arrange the sliced octopus in serving dishes, topped with salad. With a soup spoon put the flying fish eggs and serve.


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