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Monkfish fillet tempura on salad with honey and orange juice

For the fish:

4 halibut fillets

100 grams flour

1 soup spoon sugar

½ glass beer

4 tea spoons black sesame seeds

1 mashed garlic clove

½ tea spoon mashed ginger

2 soup spoons olive oil

Salt and pepper

Oil for cooking

For salad dressing:

150 grams honey

50 grams orange juice

1/4 soup spoon zest from a lime

1/2 soup spoon soy sauce

½ chopped hot chilli

1/2 mashed garlic glove

1 soup spoon chopped colorful peppers

1/6 chopped fennel

1 soup spoon chopped leeks

Salt and pepper

For the salad:

Assorted salad leafs cut by hand

½ pomegranates

1 soup spoon pine nuts

Parmesan cheese flakes


Mixed all the ingredients for dressing and cool for 2-3 hours in fridge.

Prepare the tempura by mixing in a bowl the flour, sugar and sesame seeds.

Add the rest ingredients and whisk well with fouet.

Pass the fish from flour and deep fried until golden brown.

Drain in towel.

Mixed the salad leafs with dressing, share in plates, topped with fish and add pomegranate seeds and pine nuts.


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