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Marinated curry chicken salad with mushroom tips and pine nuts

4 chicken fillets

For marinate:

4 soup spoons yogurt

2 soup spoons yellow chili paste

2 soup spoons coconut milk

1 glove chopped garlic

1 tea spoon chopped fresh ginger

2 soup spoons chopped coriander leaves

1/8 tea spoon cardamom powder

1 tea spoon sesame oil

1 tea spoon mustard oil

Salt and pepper

For the salad:

1 iceberg lettuce

1 tea spoon sesame oil

1 tea spoon mustard oil

1 tea spoon olive oil

4 soup spoons roasted pine nuts

Mushroom tips

Salt and pepper


First mixed all the ingredients for marinated and leave the chicken fillets over a night in the fridge.

Next day take out the fillet and roasted in non stick for 20 minutes in oven on 180 degrees.

Cut lettuce by hand in large pieces and tossed with sesame, mustard and olive oil. Season with salt and pepper and share the salad in plates.

Sliced the chicken fillets, topped the salad, sprinkle the nuts and serve with mushroom tips on top.


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