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Herbed crust lamb loin on celeriac purée

2 whole lamb loins with bone

1 cup fresh breadcrumb

1 cup chopped fresh herbs (basil, thyme, rosemary, oregano)

2-3 soup spoons French mustard

2 blanched spinach (only the leaves)

4 soup spoons olive oil

1 chopped garlic clove

For purée:
2 celeriac

½ glass milk

4 soup spoons fresh butter

Salt and pepper


In a bowl mix in chopped herbs and fresh breadcrumbs and garlic. Then clean the sinew and any meat above the loin off the bone.

Season the loin and rub it with mustard, then coat it well with the breadcrumb mixture.

Roast in a preheated oven of 160-170 C for 40 minutes.

Meanwhile peel the celeriac root, and potatoes and place in a pot with cold water and boil till both vegetables are well cooked.

Remove the vegetables, and pass through a sieve then blend in a food processor till you have a smooth puree. Add the milk and butter while still hot season with salt and pepper and mix well.

In a clean frying pan heat the olive oil and flash fry the spinach till wilted, season with salt and pepper and put in a colander and allow to strain.

Separate the puree into the plates and top with wilted spinach, then slice the loin into cutlets and serve on the spinach and puree


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