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Beef fillet on grilled vegetables and mushroom sauce

4 beef fillets 200 grams each

4 soup spoons olive oil

4 cubes chilled fresh butter

1 peeled carrot in slices

1 aubergine in slices

3 colorful bell peppers unseeded in quarters

4 whole mushrooms

2 marrows in slices

4 spring onions

12 green asparagus

For mushroom sauce:

½ kg large cut mushrooms

2 tea spoons English mustard

1 chopped onion

1 chopped garlic glove

½ small cup brandy

1 cup white dry wine

½ lt fresh cream

Season the fillet well and sear it on all sides in a heavy based pan with a little olive oil adding a little butter while searing.

Remove from the frying pan and place it in a roasting tray and finish cooking in a preheated oven at 190C. According with your oven temperature adjust your cooking time accordingly.

Meanwhile season your vegetables drizzle a little olive oil and cook on a griddle pan until they are cooked on all sides.

To prepare the salsa, use the same pan used to sear the fillet if the pan has a lot of oil remove some before starting to cook.

Heat the pan and sauté the onions and allow to cook a little before adding the garlic, cook till the onion is translucent. Add the mustard and mushrooms and allow for another 1-2 minutes to cook slightly. Add the brandy and wine and allow the alcohol to cook out.

Add the cream, season with salt and pepper lower the heat and allow the sauce to infuse.

Use any remaining juices left in the roasting tray in the sauce to enhance the flavour.

Serve the fillet on top of the vegetables and accompany with the sauce.



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