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Beef carpaccio with fig chutney, mooly radish spaghetti and sesame oil

240 gr very thin slices from very fresh beef fillet

1 small mooly radish in fine spaghetti strips

8-10 lollo bianco leaves

4 soup spoons sesame oil

2 soup spoons rice vinegar

Black pepper

1 small red radish

For the fig chutney:

½ kilo ripe figs

1 glass sugar

1 glass water

2 slices fresh ginger

1 cinnamon stick


Start first the chutney. Wash, dry and remove the skin from figs. Put them in small casserole with rest ingredients and on slow fire leave the mixture to become a jam.

When is ready remove the cinnamon stick and ginger slices and leave to cool.

In metal ring arrange slices of beef and lettuce.

When you finish the set up, remove carefully the ring and topped with the radish spaghetti.

Drizzled with sesame oil and vinegar.

Arrange fig chutney around carpaccio and serve.


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