Book Presentation at Four Seasons!
Cyprus Breakfast Seminar
Cyprus Breakfast seminar at Golden bay Hotel organized by the CTO and CSTI !Well done
Η Λεμεσός κάνει στροφή στα υγιεινά
This Article Is only available in Greek Language. Apologies for Non Greek Speakers.
Τα τελευταία χρόνια, η υγιεινή διατροφή αποκτά όλο και περισσότερους οπαδούς. Ο κόσμος στρέφεται, πλέον, σ’ ένα πιο υγιεινό τρόπο ζωής, εντάσσοντας στη διατροφή του βιολογικά προϊόντα, super foods, λαχανικά και φρούτα πλούσια σε θρεπτικά συστατικά, γεύση και χρώμα.
Ακολουθώντας την τάση της εποχής, η Λεμεσός αλλάζει πρόσωπο και ανταποκρίνεται στις νέες απαιτήσεις του κόσμου. Στην πόλη ανοίγουν καθημερινά νέα μαγαζιά με φρέσκους χυμούς και υγιεινά smoothies, εστιατόρια με χορτοφαγική, vegan και ωμοφαγική κουζίνα, με πιάτα χωρίς γλουτένη, αλλά πλούσια σε super foods. Χώροι με ιδιαίτερο γούστο και φτιαγμένοι με μεράκι και αγάπη από τους λάτρεις της υγιεινής διατροφής, είναι έτοιμοι να σε υποδεχτούν.
Διαβάστε Περισσότερα:
Seminar at “Casale Panayiotis” Hotel
During the month of June a seminar was held at the “Casale Panayiotis” Hotel at Kalopanagiotis village. The seminar Title was “Cyprus breakfast buffet techniques and Presentation of a la carte menu. The seminar was presented by George Kyprianou (CyChefs)
Conference named “Days of Health & Well-being” at the TUC
Α Conference named “Days of Health & Well-being” was held on 6/7/2017 at the Technological University of Cyprus (TEPAK). During the 5 day workshop, many educational and useful themes were presented. George (CyChefs) was a speaker too, he presented an interesting subject about healthy eating, ways of shopping and healthy cooking methods.
A two-day Seminar at “Vengera” Restaurant
A two-day seminar was successfully held on July 7, 8/07/2017. This workshop was presented by the Chef George Kyprianou (CyChefs) and was attended with great interest by all the staff and management of the restaurant. The areas that concentrated all the group was on Buffet & A la carte menu at the Vengera Restaurant.
A Seminar Based on “Creations with watermelon in the kitchen
During the week of the Watermelon festival, the Board of Directors of the community of Frenaros, with the support of the Cyprus Tourism Organization, organized a seminar based on “Creations with watermelon in the kitchen”. This specific seminar was held on the 10/07/2017 at the “Zappeion” Restaurant. All Chefs who were presented, were delighted with this work shop, due to that they had the possibilities to see and work with unusual recipes and techniques! Preparations and presentations were made under the guidance of the well-known Chef George Kyprianou (CyChefs) who in collaboration with his colleagues Chef Petros Athanasiou and Pastry Chef Stavros Siapanis theypresented excellent dishes and decorations.
A Visit at “Veggera” Restaurant at Palaiochora in Chania Crete
On the 12thof July, George (CyChefs) visited the restaurant “Veggera” at the Paleochora District of Chania Crete. George as the consultant Chef of this restaurant, had the opportunity to be there for a few days and meet the new chef of Veggera Restaurant, guiding once more the owner of the well-known restaurant in its new successes. Through this cooperation George and Thodoris (the owner) brought Cypriot and Cretan Frienship and Gastronomy closer.
Presentation at Channel 4 UK TV
On the 26th of July George (CyChefs) was invited by Channel 4 of England, to present the Cypriot traditional Halloumi! The Experience was unique!
Italy & Primograno Tour
On the 27th of July, George (CyChefs), following a special invitation, visited Italy and took part in PRIMOGRANO TOUR on an educational trip. This trip was aimed at acquainting the company “Rustichella D ‘Abruzzo”, which is one of the most recognized for its traditional pasta, not only in Italy but also all over the world. On this training they were invited 9 other Chefs and presentations from different countries including America, Brazil, Korea, Turkey, Morocco, etc.