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Trahanas Fish Soup

½ kg trahana

8 prawns

6 slice hard haloumi cheese

1 tea cup coconut milk

1 lt chicken stock

2 slice bread

1 tea cup olive oil

20 small asparagus spears

2 soup spoons yogurt


Put the trahana in large bowl, cover with cold chicken stock and leave for about an hour until soak.

Transfer the mixture in large non stick casserole, and cook on slow fire, mixing the soup often.

By the time soup start to curdle add the coconut milk and yogurt.

Head in non stick fried pan the olive oil and fry the bread slices. Leave it for few minutes on towel to dry.

On same oil fried the halloumi cheese.

Boiled the prawns in salted after for 4-6 minutes and asparagus for 1 minute.

Serve the soup in soup bowls with prawns, cheese, asparagus and fried bread.


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