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Stuffed pork fillet with dry apricots on seared spinach, ginger orange sauce

2 pork fillets

8-10 dry apricots

1 coffee cup cognac

1 tea spoon plum sauce

1 br. Spinach leaves

2 soup spoons olive oil

1 chopped spring onion

Touch of nutmeg

For the sauce:

Juice from 2 oranges

4 soup spoons sugar

2 star anise

1/2 tea spoon ginger paste

½ tea cup ouzo



Trim all the fat from the pork fillets.

Soak the apricots in the brandy for 2-3 hours. Drain them and blend with plum sauce.

Cut the fillets in half lengthways and using teaspoon stuff with apricot purée. Roll them and tight them with cord.

Head a non stick pan or a wok over a high heat and cook the fillets.

Finish the cooking in hot oven 200c for 15 minuets. Remove the cord.

To make the sauce boil the orange juice with sugar, anise, ginger and ouzo over a high heat until it has reduced to a light syrup. Strain the sauce through a fine sieve and keep warm.

Heat a non stick pan, add the olive oil, sate the chopped spring onions and mix the spinach leaves. Add the nutmeg and correct the seasoning.

To serve, spoon the spinach on 4 serving plates, put the fillets on top, drizzled with the sauce and serve at once.


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