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Stuffed Cuttlefish

12 medium sized cuttlefi sh (Wellgoods)
degutted and cleaned
1 – 2 tomatoes fi nely chopped
½ onion fi nely chopped
1 clove garlic fi nely chopped
1 tablespoon parsley fi nely chopped
4-5 tablespoons bulgur wheat
½ hot red pepper (chilli pepper) fi nely
1 small coff ee cup olive oil
1 cup dry white wine
1-2 bunches spinach
Salt and pepper to taste



• Combine the tomato, onion, garlic, bulgur, half the olive oil, ½ the wine, the chilli pepper and salt and pepper
• Fill in the cuttlefi sh with this mixture and place them in a baking tray
• Add the rest of the wine and olive oil to the baking tray with the fish and cook at 160°C for about 25 minutes
• Boil the spinach for a few minutes (just until it wilts) and drain well
• Place 3 small servings of spinach in each plate and serve with the fish on top


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