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Sole Fillets with Capers and Lemon

4 whole sole fillets
(Dover-sole, Wellgoods)
5-6 tablespoons fl our
½ cup olive oil
4 tablespoons butter
Juice of 2 lemons
4 tablespoons capers
2 tablespoons parsley finely chopped
2 bunches spinach
Salt and pepper to taste


• Clean fi llets so they have no intestinal remnants and skin
• Heat up the olive oil with the butter, coat the fillets with flour and fry them in the butter / olive oil mixture – make sure both sides are
• Once the fillets are cooked remove from the oil. Once the oil mixture has cooled, half it and add the lemon juice; allow this mixture to heat up adding the capers and parsley to simmer as well
• Sauté the spinach in a little olive oil and portion on each plate. Place the fish on top of the spinach and then add the lemon juice/caper sauce on top


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