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Pan seared creamy pesto scallops on tomato and mussel ragout

For tomato and mussel ragout:

½ kilo tomatoes

5-6 basil leafs

½ tea spoon fresh oregano

1 medium chopped onion

1 chopped garlic glove

1/2 peeled and chopped carrot

2 soup spoons colorful peppers chopped

1/6 chopped fennel

1 soup spoon chopped leek

1 coffee cup olive oil

½ tea cup white dry wine

400 γρ mussel meat

Salt and pepper

For the scallops:
8 fresh king scallops

1/4 glass olive oil

1/2 soup spoon lemon juice

½ glass white dry wine

2 soup spoons pesto sauce

200 grams fresh cream

Salt and pepper


First pass the tomatoes from boiling water for a minute and remove the skin.

Cut tomatoes in half, remove the seeds and diced in small cubes.

Warm up the olive oil in heavy pan and seared the onions, garlic, carrot, chopped peppers, leek and fennel.

Add the wine, leave to evaporate and add tomatoes.

Slow down fire; add the rest of ingredients and leave to cook in very slow fire until all the liquids absorbed.

Add the mussel meat and cook for some more minutes.

By serving time prepare the scallops.

In a heave pan warm the olive oil and flash fried the scallops.

Remove the extra oil, add the lemon juice and wine and continue cooking.

Add the pesto sauce and fresh cream and wait until the sauce is ready.

Serve scallops on top of ragout, drizzled with pesto creamy sauce.



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