Cychefs | Recipes | Cookery Books


Invitation for the 3rd Presentation of NutriChef

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Dear Colleagues and Friends,
We are proud to announce and invite you to the 3rd presentation of the book “NutriChef”. The presentation will take place on November the 21st at 17:00, at the “Sentido Cypria Bay” Hotel in Paphos, along with several other interesting presentations. Our beloved Karolina Kyprianou is coordinating the whole event and welcoming you!! We are looking forward to seeing you there!

For More Info Click On the Below invitation!



NutriChef Book & Prinos

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This article is temporarily available only in Greek.  Apologies for NON Greek Speakers

Οι Λαχαναγορές Πρίνος στηρίζουν την υγιεινή διατροφή και σας παρουσιάζουν το βιβλίο «ΔιατροΣΕΦ». Οι συγγραφείς θα παρουσιάσουν το βιβλίο τους και θα μαγειρέψουν ζωντανά, χρησιμοποιώντας τα ολόφρεσκα προϊόντα μας, το Σάββατο 28 Νοεμβρίου από τις 11:00 έως τις 14:00, στη Λαχαναγορά Πρίνος Προδρόμου & το Σάββατο 5 Δεκεμβρίου στη Πρίνος Παλουριώτισσας από τις 11:00 έως τις 15:00.

Μέρος των καθαρών εσόδων από τις πωλήσεις του βιβλίου θα δοθούν στον Σύνδεσμο «Ένα όνειρο, μια ευχή» και στο Ίδρυμα «Αροδαφνούσα».




New Seminar For Restaurants & Taverns Owners

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New seminar for restaurat’s and tavern’s owners organised by the CTO Cyprus at Livadia hotel in kyperounda ” healthy cyprus cuisine” well done my friends! Many thanks to all participants and to the managment of the hotel Livadia for the great hospitality!!


Riverland Organic Farms Festival

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CyChefs recently participated in the great festival of Riverland organic farms, where CyChef’s members cooked under the guidance of CyChef Mr. Kyprianou. The new books of CyChefs were presented during the festival.



Cypriot Potato Festival

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A seminar on “Cypriot Potatoes – Opportunities and Possibilities for Tourism Development and Entrepreneurship” was organized by the Cypriot Tourism Organization in cooperation with the municipal council of Avgorou, the Network Thematic Centers of Troodos and the Organizing Committee of Potato Festival. The trainer Mr. George Kyprianou (CyChef) presented many techniques regarding gastronomy and potatos!!


Gastronomia with Commandaria

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Another Gastronomy Event was organized by the Cyprus Tourism Organization in cooperation with the Community Counsil of Vouniou and the Thematic Network of Troodos on “Gastronomy and Commandaria”. Venue of the above event was the village Vouni! Experiential workshop and unique creations with commandaria were presented by the instructor of culinary arts & CyChef Mr. George Kyprianou.




New Seminar for Polis Chrysochous

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Another seminar was held on Cypriot cuisine with great success. The seminar was organized by the Cyprus Tourism Organization, for the district of Polis Chrysohous in the Restaurant Porto Latsi and was attended by more than 25 hotels and other food companies. The trainer was once again the well known, talented, and beloved Chef George Kyprianou who thrilled for one more time the participants.


G.Kyprianou on “Travel” Show

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George Kyprianou (CyChefs) recently met his really good friend and collaborator Eutyches Bletsas in Caratello Restaurant, where they videotaped an episode for “Travel” series, a Tv show which is on the Greek Channel “Skai” & on “Sigma” Channel of Cyprus. George gave Eutyches a tour on Cypriot traditional dishes!!!!

Many more surprises are yet to come, stay tuned!!
