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October 19-22, 2008 – 22nd Culinary Olympics 2008

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IKA- Culinary Olympics is the biggest exhibition of culinary art. Will take place to Erfurt in Germany from 19 until 22 of October 2008.
Every four years National teams all over the world, regional teams, junior teams, military teams, pastry chefs and individual chefs are going to exhibit their skills, present and competitor.
National teams have two parts to competitor, the hot kitchen with 110 portions on three course menu and the cold display with appetizers, main courses, complete menus, desserts, cakes and showpieces
Cyprus culinary national team will be for second time to Erfurt , and everybody wish to all the members all the best.

Russia, June 2008, presentation in caramel

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These are certain photographs and snapshots from the presentation of official Mediterranean dinner in the coffee restaurant Caramel, that Antonis had achieved with full of success in Novgorod of Russia in May 2008.

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Antonis was invited as a distinguished chef in Novgorod

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In May 2008, Antonis was invited as a distinguished chef, to present and serve official dinner on the Mediterranean cuisine!

The invitation was received from the coffee restaurant CARAMEL in Novgorod.

Many journalists and other associates were there to cover the event.

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The southerner europe via Antonis Charalambous in the 4th place worldwild in global chef

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At the 33rd world congress of WACS that took place in Dubai on May 2008, was carried out the competition for the appointment of the best chef of the world (Global Chef). At this competition, participants were seven (7) finalists Chefs. These Chefs passed to the next stage, after the results of the previous contest of regional continents. The seven countries that were pondered over for the big trophy were America, Holland, Norway, Singapore, Cyprus, the South Africa and Australia. The southerner Europe as we know represented the Cypriot chef Antonis Charalambous. Afterwards, long, difficult but also high competition, Antonis got the honorary 4th place, guided from the manger of our Olympic team Giorgo Damianou and his assistant chef Andreas Andreou. The big winner of this competition was Holland with Norway in the 2nd and America in the 3rd place. Congratulations to all four Countries for their excellent chefs that they have and of course the quality standards that the always keep.

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33rd WACS Congress held in Dubai

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From all around the world delegates met at Dubai from 12 until 15 of May 2008 at Dubai for the 33rd Biennial world congress.
The president of Cyprus chefs association Mr. Yiannakis Agapiou, Mr. Marios X Iosif and Mr. Andonis Nicolaou participate at the official congress.

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Gasronomia – Gastrognosia

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Just few pictures from the last gastronomia- gastronomia competition which held in national exhibition centre in Nicosia on February 2008. the chef, pastry and bakery accusations together with the Giorgallis fair gave one more time their best self for this successful fair and competition.

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Seminar “Salads & attractive appetizers”

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Cyprus Chefs Association organized with success seminar for the A΄ semester of 2008 at the Technical hotel and catering school in Limassol, with title “Salads & attractive appetizers”.

Instructor was Mr Aggelos Ioannou. Aggelos is working as a Sous Chef at the Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol.