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Gastronomia-Gastrognosia 2010

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The biyearly food and beverage exhibition ‘Gastronomia – Gastrognosia 2010’ was held at the Cyprus fair grounds between the 4th and 7th of February.

The exhibition was organized by Giorgallis Fair Ltd, The Cyprus Chefs Association, The Cyprus pastry federation and Cyprus Bakery Association.

Mr. Andonis Pashalides, the Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism, opened the exhibit to the public at the inaugural ceremony and what continued was in short, a highly successful exhibition.

Besides housing the 90 companies and organizations that presented new products and services, the CyChefs were also present with their own impressive stall. A great number of people were informed about the gastronomic website and the very well known ‘Colour and Aroma in the kitchen’ – the CyChefs latest cookbook.


George Kyprianou of CyChefs with the Minister of Commerce, Industry & Tourism


George Kyprianou of CyChefs with George Tsokkos of WeKreate Tsokkos Consultants Ltd

– responsible for the CyChefs new website

Roughly about twelve thousand people visited the exhibit overall, of which four thousand were professionals in the culinary arts, hotel and tourism industries.

Various demonstrations and displays that were organized included the Barmen associations’ presentation of an assortment of cocktails and recipe presentations from well known Cypriot chefs.

The Cyprus Chefs Association once again assembled cooking competitions both in the savoury and sweet departments and both for professionals and college students. With the availability of the fully updated competition kitchens, excellent live competitions were carried out. The kitchens were a large contribution from the Angelo PO company which is represented by the Anco cooperation in Cyprus.

The ‘Open Restaurant’ live competition, carried out by groups of chefs from different hotels and restaurants, was also accomplished with great success. The equipment for this competition was sponsored by CaterCom and the fully equipped kitchens offered to complete the restaurant menus were as always, kindly contributed by Zanussi – Electrolux from Hadjikyriakos Ltd.

The results from the most popular competitions were as follows:

  1. Chef of the Year was awarded to Mr. Andreas Vouzounis from SODEXO. Sponsored by: Amaxulus Prime Foods Ltd.
  2. Confectioner of the Year was awarded to Mr. Dimitri Ioannou from the Four Seasons Hotel. Sponsored by: Elle & Vivre – Cosmos Trading.
  3. Young Chef of the Year was awarded to Mr. Valentino Michael from the Four Seasons Hotel. Sponsored by: Alion fresh vegetables – Herbs from Cyprus.
  4. Two hotels were awarded the gold medal for the ‘Open Restaurant’ competition. The Four Seasons hotel and Le Meridien. The Four Seasons hotel received a higher overall grade.

Sponsored by: Primefarms meats.


  1. In the grand prix competition (3 chefs competed together in this category) the gold medal went to Le Meridien and to the Four Seasons hotel and once again the Four Seasons hotel received a higher grade. Sponsored by: S & N Soteriou.


The judges for these competitions included well known Cypriot chefs and world renowned chefs that flew in just for the exhibition.


  1. Mr. Tony Jackson from Scotland
  2. Mr. Vella Josef from Malta
  3. Mr. Gordon Galea from Malta
  4. Mr. Stefanos Chrisanthou from Cyprus
  5. Mr. George Damianou from Cyprus
  6. Mr. Ioannis Gregoriou from Cyprus
  7. Mr. Christos Christodoulou from Cyprus
  8. Mr. Charis Philippou from Cyprus


The Cyprus Chefs Association would like to thank all the sponsors, supporters and the exhibitioners that partook in this year’s Gastronomia – Gastrognosia and to all those that helped make it once again, a truly successful exhibition.


Chef of the Year 2010

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The awards for the CHEF OF THE YEAR have taken place at the 2010 Gastronomia / Gastrognosia 2010 exhibition

The winner was Mr Andreas Vouzounis!

You may view some photos of the awards and the winner below.








World Cup & Cooking

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South Africa is hosting the World Cup – it is the first time this great event is hosted in the African continent – and the hosting country is striving to prove to the rest of the world that it is a contemporary country with excellent infrastructure, a thriving trading industry and a great place for tourists.  Besides football and sightseeing though, visitors will “invade” among others, Cape Town and Johannesburg and will grab the chance to try the South African cuisine which is at the moment competing with other gastronomical countries such as Paris and New York.

Daniela Mponano, a chief executive of Absolut Travel agency with headquarters in New York, confirms just that.  The finest restaurants of South Africa which have been serving exclusively French cuisine in the past with emphasis on meat, today they are experimenting.  Their chefs have been trained abroad and their dishes have international touches with emphasis on traditional local products, she says.  “Just as in New York, Vancouver and London the gastronomical part of Cape Town, is now a mosaic of the international cuisine, which basically reflects the cultures of the three million residents of the city”, she adds.  Due to its geographical location seafood is greatly used, as well as local meat such as karoo sheep and a type of antilope meat called springbok which is the “national animal” of the country.  One of the most famous things in the South African cuisine is peri-peri, a very hot red pepper which provides aroma to the dishes or escorts them as a sauce.  The tourist season in South Africa is the “summer” – from November to March, though the best season to visit is either autumn or spring.


Culinary Olympic Games 2008

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The Cyprus Chef’s Association with great pleasure would like to inform you that the Cyprus National Culinary Team is departing on Thursday, October 16, 2008, for Erfurt Germany where they will compete at the Culinary Olympic Games among the bets 32 countries that qualified for this event.

We would like to wish our team a safe flight and all the best at the competition and we are positive that they will exceed our expectations once again.

Our team members are confident that once again they will make us and Cyprus proud aiming for the Gold Medal.

Cyprus Chef’s Association seminars for 2008

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The Cyprus Chefs Association through the Education committee announces seminars, which have been approved and will be subsidize from the HRDA.

  1.  “A la carte cuisine” will take place in Nicosia (Intercollege-Nicosia University)  from 06/11/2008 until 07/11/2008, 15:00-21:30 (Thursday – Friday)
  2. “Chinese Cuisine” this seminar will be organized in Limassol from 13/11/2008 until 14/11/2008. (Limassol – Hotel Technical school) 15:00-21:30 (Thursday – Friday)
  3. “Traditional Cyprus cuisine” will take place in Nicosia at Intercollege from 19/11/2008 until 21/11/2008, (Intercollege-Nicosia University) 15:00-21:30 (Wednesday–Friday)

More information for all members and other professions, who are interesting to attend, please contact with the President of Education committee Mr George Kyprianou phone number: 00357-99677318, fax: 00357-22321301.


Chef’s Association seminar A΄ semester 2008 “Salads & attractive appetizers”

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Cyprus Chefs Association organized with success seminar for the A΄ semester of 2008 at the Technical hotel and catering school in Limassol, with title “Salads & attractive appetizers”.

Instructor was Mr Aggelos Ioannou. Aggelos is working as a Sous Chef at the Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol.

Cyprus Chefs Association organized with success seminar for the A΄ semester of 2008 at the Technical hotel and catering school in Limassol, with title “Salads & attractive appetizers”.

Instructor was Mr Aggelos Ioannou. Aggelos is working as a Sous Chef at the Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol.

Conference “Skills for Chefs” 2008

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George and Andonis full members of Master Chefs of Great Britain are pleased to share with you the final update and reminder for the Skills for Chefs Conference 2008 on 23-24 June in Sheffield.

You may be aware that the conference features some great culinary demonstrations
from Anton Edelmann, Nigel Haworth,Claire Clark,Ben Bartlett,John Feeney,Simon
Shaw,Paul Gayler,David Hunt,Peter Joyner and John Williams.

All delegates will get a recipe pack on CD ROM.

If you are short of time and can not join for both days you can pick a single
day to attend.

Visit the following link for details an booking forms:-

The conference concludes with a spectacular dinner created by Tracy Carr,Graham
Crump,mark Houghton and Peter Walters who are representing TUCO.

A small number of places left at the conference dinner on Tuesday 24
June and they can provide dinner only places with accommodation if you are

Please drop me an email or give a call on 0044-0114 222 8907 Mr David

Το ευρω ειναι … γλυκο

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Μια νοστιμότατη ευρω-τούρτα κατασκευασμένη από υλικά μεσογειακής διατροφής πατεντάρισαν οι σεφ της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Ζαχαροπλαστών, με την ευκαιρία των 50 χρόνων της ΕΕ.

Η επικαιρότητα αγγίζει τώρα και το πιάτο μας και τρώγεται μάλιστα με το … κουταλάκι. Με το κλείδωμα της μετατροπής της λίρας σε ευρώ, οι Κύπριοι ζαχαροπλάστες αποφάσισαν να πλασάρουν στη χώρα μας και ανάλογη με το θέμα τούρτα. Την ευρω-τούρτα. Δεν πρόκειται για κυπριακή πατέντα, ούτε για επικοινωνιακό τρικ. Πρόκειται για το «επίσημο γλυκό» της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, το οποίο πλασάρεται σε όλες τις χώρες – μέλη, κατόπιν σύστασης της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Ζαχαροπλαστών.


Η ιδέα, ξεκίνησε από τη Γερμανική Προεδρία σε συνεννόηση με την Παγκόσμια Ομοσπονδία Ζαχαροπλαστών, το Μάιο του 2007, στο πλαίσιο του σχεδιασμού των εκδηλώσεων για τα πενηντάχρονα της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης. Το Ευρωπαϊκό αυτό γλυκό, κατασκευασμένο από υλικά μεσογειακής διατροφής, παρουσιάστηκε κατά την εκδήλωση για τα πενηντάχρονα της ΕΕ, στην οποία παρευρέθηκε και ο Πρόεδρος της Ομοσπονδίας Ζαχαροπλαστών Κύπρου κ. Κώστας Χ’Χριστοδούλου.


Οι δημιουργοί της ευρω-τούρτας, έδωσαν σε όλους τους ευρωπαίους ζαχαροπλάστες τη συνταγή και τους παρότρυναν να την πλασάρουν στις χώρες τους. Η ευρω-τούρτα θα υπάρχει στα παραδοσιακά ζαχαροπλαστεία της Κύπρου.

Η προβολή της ευρω-τούρτας

Η Ομοσπονδία Ζαχαροπλαστών Κύπρου, κατόπιν ώριμης σκέψης, αποφάσισε να παρουσιάσει για πρώτη φορά στην Κύπρο την ευρω-τουρτα, την ίδια μέρα του κλειδώματος της τιμής μετατροπής της λίρας σε ευρώ. Η επίσημη πρώτη λοιπόν, δόθηκε με κάθε επισημότητα στη διάρκεια εκδήλωσης στα γραφεία της Αντιπροσωπίας της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής στην Κύπρο στις 10 Ιουλίου, στην παρουσία του Επικεφαλής Θέμη Θεμιστοκλέους, Πρεσβευτών των Ευρωπαϊκών χωρών, βουλευτών, επίσης ο Διοικητής της Κεντρικής Τράπεζας και άλλων επισήμων.