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Roasted chicken fillet on vegetable curry

4 chicken fillets

2 soup spoons olive oil

1 soup spoon light soy sauce

For the vegetable curry:

2 soup spoons sesame oil

2 coffee cups cooked chick peas

1 tea spoon ginger paste

1 tea spoon chopped garlic

½ chopped onion

100 gr fresh bean sprouts

2 medium aubergines in small cubes

2 small gourgettes cut in small cubes

2-3 oyster mushrooms cut in small pieces

2 dry lime leaves

2 soup spoons red curry paste

2 tea spoons fish sauce

2 coffee cups coconut milk


A day ahead boil the chick peas in water until get soft, cool them under running water and drain them.

Remove all the fat and skin from the fillets. Season them.

Heat a non stick pan and flash fried the fillets on both sides for 3-4 minuets. Before to remove them from the pan drizzled with the light soy sauce.

Put them on a non stick roasted dish and finish the cooking in the oven.

To make the vegetable curry, head a large, thick-bottomed saucepan, add the sesame oil and sauté the chopped garlic, the ginger paste and onion.

Add the diced gourgettes and aubergines and give them some time to take a little color.

Add the cook chick peas, the mushrooms and at the end the bean sprouts. Drizzle the vegetables with the fish sauce and mix with them the dry lime leaves and the curry paste.

When the vegetables are ready pour the coconut milk, reduced the fire and leave them to absorb all the excess liquids.

Serve the curry in 4 serving plates, topped with the roasted chicken fillets.


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