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Anogyra is the only village in which the tradition of “pasteli” making still goes on (carob-honey and sesame pie).

“Pasteli” is basically made during the months between September and May since it is not easily shaped when there is heat. Large and thick locust-beans are selected for the making of “pasteli’ so that they will have sugar.

After they are washed and dried, they grind them in the traditional olive-press. Afterwards they are placed inside large vessels of water for about 20 hours to soak. Then they put them in hampers that are placed upon an inclining plank.

Out of these hampers drips the juice of the locust-beans, which is called “sierepetti” (sherbet), eventually being gathered in large vessels. The “sierepetti” is then taken and a large copper pot, named “chartzin”, is filled with it and placed upon the fire, stirring every now and then.

The stir it with a wooden dipper (that action called “koutalefko”) for 6-7 hours until it thickens and turns into carob-honey. Out of this decoction they fill two buckets at a time and place it in another “chartzin” that is also placed on a fire. They stir it for about 4 hours until it thickens into a black, shapeless lump.

They place this lump upon a clean slab and wait awhile until it cools off. Afterwards they take a quantity of 1-2 kilos every time and put it upon a wooden pole that’s on the wall. A woman then starts pulling it with deftness. She stretches it, turns it to a plat, and pulls it again until it acquires a blonde colour and becomes like golden. Finally it is placed in small kneading troughs (“skafidia”).




In older times the various vendors, the so called “pastellades”, would sell it, cutting it piece by piece with a tool named “smilari”. Today the “pasteli” is sold in small nylon bags. Many families in Anogyra are in the “pasteli”-making business.

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