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Lamb loin kebabs, potato soufflé with horseradish and beetroot sauce

For kebabs:

800 gr lamb fillet cut in cubes.

½ glass vegetable oil

1 garlic glove

1 stick of fresh basil, mint, rosemary, oregano

2 slice of ginger

Black pepper corns

For the potatoes:

400 gr fresh potatoes cut in very thin slices

½ glass fresh cream

¼ glass cheese powder

1 garlic clove paste

1 small spring onion chopped


For the sauce:

1 soup spoon walnut oil

2 medium beetroots

2 soup spoons honey

2 bay leaves

1 soup spoon chopped garlic and onion

Salt and pepper


In large bowl leave the lamb kebabs covered with marinate for a night in fridge.

Next day take out the meat, leave to dry a little and pass on kebab sticks.

In a bowl mixed by hand the potato slices with rest of ingredients, divide the mixture in four ceramic bowls and cook in hot oven for 25-30 minutes on 170c.

Wash beetroots very well and boil them until tender.

On non stick fried pan sauté the onions and garlic with walnut oil. Add the honey, bay leaves and the cooked beetroots cut in very small cubes. Reduce the fire and leave the sauce to set.

Remove the bay leaves and blend the sauce in mixer for little.

Grill the kebabs and serve them accompanied with hot potato cake and beetroot sauce.


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