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Νέα και Εκδηλώσεις


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Στις  28 και 29 Νοεμβρίου  στη τράπεζα Κύπρου,  πραγματοποιήθηκε η καθιερωμένη έκθεση επαγγελμάτων «Σταδιοδρομία 2009». Η  έκθεση  διοργανώνεται για 10 συνεχόμενα χρόνια και συμμετείχαν πέραν των 45 συνδέσμων προβάλλοντας  75 και πλέον διαφορετικά επαγγέλματα.

Για άλλη μια φορά παρόν ήταν και ο Σύνδεσμος Αρχιμαγείρων Κύπρου  συμμετέχοντας  και προβάλλοντας το επάγγελμα του Μάγειρα! Πολλοί ήταν οι ενδιαφερόμενοι μαθητές και γονείς που θέλησαν να μάθουν γενικές πληροφορίες για το επαγγελμα του Μάγειρα αλλά και γενικότερα για τις επισιτιστικές τέχνες.

Τον Σύνδεσμο Αρχιμαγείρων αντιπροσώπευσαν ο Κύριος Μάριος  Χατζιωσήφ (Διευθυντής Γραφείου του Συνδέσμου, ο κύριος Γιάννης Κάτσιης (Αντιπρόεδρος εκπαίδευσης του Συνδέσμου) και  κύριος Γιώργος Κυπριανού (Αντιπρόεδρος δημοσίων σχέσεων του Συνδέσμου).




Culinary Olympic Games 2008

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The Cyprus Chef’s Association with great pleasure would like to inform you that the Cyprus National Culinary Team is departing on Thursday, October 16, 2008, for Erfurt Germany where they will compete at the Culinary Olympic Games among the bets 32 countries that qualified for this event.

We would like to wish our team a safe flight and all the best at the competition and we are positive that they will exceed our expectations once again.

Our team members are confident that once again they will make us and Cyprus proud aiming for the Gold Medal.

Cyprus Chef’s Association seminars for 2008

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The Cyprus Chefs Association through the Education committee announces seminars, which have been approved and will be subsidize from the HRDA.

  1.  “A la carte cuisine” will take place in Nicosia (Intercollege-Nicosia University)  from 06/11/2008 until 07/11/2008, 15:00-21:30 (Thursday – Friday)
  2. “Chinese Cuisine” this seminar will be organized in Limassol from 13/11/2008 until 14/11/2008. (Limassol – Hotel Technical school) 15:00-21:30 (Thursday – Friday)
  3. “Traditional Cyprus cuisine” will take place in Nicosia at Intercollege from 19/11/2008 until 21/11/2008, (Intercollege-Nicosia University) 15:00-21:30 (Wednesday–Friday)

More information for all members and other professions, who are interesting to attend, please contact with the President of Education committee Mr George Kyprianou phone number: 00357-99677318, fax: 00357-22321301.


Chef’s Association seminar A΄ semester 2008 “Salads & attractive appetizers”

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Cyprus Chefs Association organized with success seminar for the A΄ semester of 2008 at the Technical hotel and catering school in Limassol, with title “Salads & attractive appetizers”.

Instructor was Mr Aggelos Ioannou. Aggelos is working as a Sous Chef at the Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol.

Cyprus Chefs Association organized with success seminar for the A΄ semester of 2008 at the Technical hotel and catering school in Limassol, with title “Salads & attractive appetizers”.

Instructor was Mr Aggelos Ioannou. Aggelos is working as a Sous Chef at the Four Seasons Hotel in Limassol.

Conference “Skills for Chefs” 2008

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George and Andonis full members of Master Chefs of Great Britain are pleased to share with you the final update and reminder for the Skills for Chefs Conference 2008 on 23-24 June in Sheffield.

You may be aware that the conference features some great culinary demonstrations
from Anton Edelmann, Nigel Haworth,Claire Clark,Ben Bartlett,John Feeney,Simon
Shaw,Paul Gayler,David Hunt,Peter Joyner and John Williams.

All delegates will get a recipe pack on CD ROM.

If you are short of time and can not join for both days you can pick a single
day to attend.

Visit the following link for details an booking forms:-

The conference concludes with a spectacular dinner created by Tracy Carr,Graham
Crump,mark Houghton and Peter Walters who are representing TUCO.

A small number of places left at the conference dinner on Tuesday 24
June and they can provide dinner only places with accommodation if you are

Please drop me an email or give a call on 0044-0114 222 8907 Mr David

Cyprus Chef’s Association Seminars 2008

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The Cyprus Chefs Association through the Education committee announces seminars, which have been approved and will be subsidize from the HRDA.

The seminars below are those that offered for the A΄semester of 2008

  1. “Summer salads and presentable appetizers” this seminar will be organized in Limassol from 13/03/2008 until 14/03/2008. (Limassol – Hotel Technical school) 15:00-21:30 (Thursday – Friday)
  2. “Chinese Cuisine” will take place in Nicosia from 04/04/2008 until 05/04/2008 (Intercollege-Nicosia University) 15:00-21:30 and 10: 00 – 16:30  (Friday – Saturday)

More information for all members and other professions, who are interesting to attend, please contact with the President of Education committee Mr George Kyprianou phone number: 00357-99677318, fax: 00357-22321301.